Ethan Frome is a bleak tale of a piece who waterfall in love with his conjoin muliebrity?s cousin, just to benefit that he doesn?t comport the means to follow with on it. Ethan is fed up with hismarriage to Zeena, a sickly woman who is a move eer much in a rotten mood and is jealousof her stimulate cousin, Mattie Silver, because she isn?t nearly as beautiful, charming, andhealthy as she is. This is whizz of the chief(prenominal) reasons why Zeena is flavour for an excuse toforce Mattie astonied of the offer from the precise beginning and the excuse that she comes upwith is that Mattie is likewise gawky when it comes to taking anguish of the chores aroundthe house. So this brings up the question that if Zeena is such a low-pitched and spitefulwoman , thence why does she go come to the fore of her way to perplex care of Ethan and Mattie later their sad ? belt ammunition up? when she is al well-nigh too sick to repulse care of herself? other questionwo uld be why do Ethan and Mattie find kayoed to drive their sled into the big elm shoe tree tree whenthey could have just ran away to sither disdain non having much gold to live on?Furtherto a greater extent, what were they hoping to fill by driving their sled into a big tree?Were they seek to commit suicide or just naughtily impose on _or_ oppress themselves?Ethan is unhappy in his marriage and ever since Mattie locomote in he finally realizeshow old and sickly his wife actually looks. Mattie is a young beautiful woman in theprime of her life sentence and Zenna is pretty much the opposite: ??the pale fresh reflected fromthe banks of gust made her face look more commonly cadaverous and bloodless, sharpened thethree parallel creases betwixt ear and cheek, and draw fretful lines from her thinnose to the corners of her mouth. Though she was provided septette age her conserve?s senior,and he was only cardinal-eight, she was already an old woman.?(p28) Ethan r esents thefact that Zeena is ceaselessly lo! oking for a reason to criticize Mattie for her lack ofhousekeeping ability. Mattie has been aliment with them for participating a year and Zeena hasbeen growing more and more enthusiastic with Mattie. In order to take the pressure offMattie, Ethan would in out of sight help Mattie with the housekeeping duties: ?He did hisbest to supplement her unskilled efforts, acquiring up earlier than usual to light the kitchenfire, carrying in the woodwind instrument instrument overnight, and neglecting the mill for the elicit that he mighthelp her about the house during the day. He even crept down on Saturday nights to scrubthe kitchen floor after the women had asleep(p) to bed.?(p16-17) E very(prenominal) age Ethan looks atZeena he begins to see how sick he really is of this woman. It seems as though no matterwhat he says, she?s going to respond by telling him the opposite. The dark, freezing, and snowy conditions on with the dreary atmosphere clearlyreflects the mood of the f ibers in this ill-considered novel. fairish like the weather, day in andday out the characters olfactory sense modality like there is not much of a verbal expression for change. Life has buy the farm pain ampley routine and almost hopeless in spite of the fact that throughout most of thenovel Ethan is still dimension out hope that a love affair between him and Mattie mightsomehow chance and they could cause away together, only to finally realize that its nota practical(prenominal) possibility due to a lack of property. He first begins to realize this when hestarts writing a letter to Zeena telling her that he is leaving for good: ?Zeena, I?ve put oneall I could for you, and I don?t see as it?s been any use. I don?t blame you, nor I don?tblame myself. by chance both of us give do better separate. I?m going to try my luckWest, and you can sell the get and mill, and keep the money-?(p54) As soon as hewrites that she could keep the money he realizes that if h e leaves everything to Zeena,then there would be noth! ing left over(p) for him and Mattie. His concerns then shift over toZeena because it was doubtful she would even be able to sell the property. Furthermore,how would she be able to keep the bring on going all by herself, especially when youconsider the fact that she is a very sick woman. This is somewhat revealing because itshows that despite their married problems, Ethan still cares about Zeena?s well being. Inaddition, what is even more revealing is that Zeena takes care of both Ethan and Mattieafter their ?smash up.? What makes this so peculiar(a) is that Zeena has been lookingfor an excuse to drive Mattie out of the house for the longest clock and now here she istaking care of her and trying to help her find from her injuries. Things really begin to reach a boiling scare away for when Zeena discovers the disjointed pickle supply which had a lot of schmalzy value for her. despite the attempt by Ethan to coverfor Mattie by claiming that the fathead climbed up the chinaware closet and tipped the dish over,Mattie chop-chop confesses that she took the pickle dish down from the top of the chinacloset. Upon hearing this, Zeena snaps at Mattie by let out all of the frustration thathas been construction up inner(a) her: ?You?re a bad girl, Mattie Silver, and I always copenit.

It?s the way your father begun, and I was warned of it when I took you, and I act tokeep my things where you couldn?t get at ?em-and now you?ve took from me the one Icared for most of all?If I?d a listened to folks, you?d a gone ahead now, and thiswouldn?t a happened.?(p52-53)Shortly before Zeena confronts Ethan and Mattie with the broken pickle dish, Zeenalets Ethan know th at she has found a heterotaxy for Mattie, who would ! have to moveout to make room for the new hired girl. This infuriates Ethan not only because hewould hate to see Mattie go, but because it would be very onerous for him to find themoney to pay her. This is somewhat of a monumental importation because it?s the first realargument they had in their sad seven long time of marriage. One very interesting boldness of this novel is that it begins in the future, meaning thatEthan is 52 years old. So immediately Edith Wharton creates this aviation about Ethanwhich makes us take to know more about this mystic protagonist: ?When a man?sbeen setting round like a hulk for twenty years or more, seeing things that want doing, iteats inter him, and he loses his grit? indisposition and trouble: that?s what Ethan?s had hisplate across-the-board up with, ever since the very first helping.?(p 7) The study then shifts twenty-four years back into the past and that is where the heart of Ethan Frome?s story begins. Another interesting thing to point out is that the narrator in the beginning of the novelis somewhat of a mysterious character who adds a different voice to the story. He, justlike the reader, wants to know more about Ethan Frome and what on the button happened tohim: ?I simply matte up that he lived in a depth of moral isolation too remote for casualaccess, and I had the sense that his loneliness was not merely the result of his personalplight, tragic as I guessed that to be, but had in it the profound accumulated cold ofmany Starkfield winters.?(p8)In conclusion, Ethan Frome?s story is one of great upheaval and sadness. The hauntingimagery reflects the mood of the characters and paints a personation of unrelentinghopelessness and emotional fragility. One would enquire what would happen if Ethanand Mattie decided to run away together instead of choosing to take the path of catastrophe?The answer to that question we will never know, but what we do know is that EthanFrome is a character who had drea ms of running away with the woman he fell in lovewith! , only to see those dreams become shattered. Works CitedWharton, Edith. Ethan Frome (Signet Classics). New York:Signet Classics, 2000. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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